Collective Heart is a membership based group of like minded people who are keen to actively use their skills for the benefit of others.

We come together for a breakfast six times a year where we hear about heart warming activities our members have been involved in and listen to heart expanding and sometimes heart exploding guest speakers who share stories of trial and triumph. 

During our breakfast meetings we also nominate projects, organisations or individuals which our members identify as being in need of some support.

Our members are free to get involved to whatever extent feels right for them. 

The membership fee is $39 per month. This covers the breakfasts and contributes to our donation pool. Our expenses are minimal and account for insurance and accounting software. All people involved in Collective Heart do so on a voluntary basis.

Collective Heart is run by a Steering Committee who oversees strategic considerations and a Management Committee who manages day to day operations.

We take a relaxed approach to making a difference to people and groups we seriously care for.

If you like the sound of all this, please get in touch. No expectations, no obligations.

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“This is one amazing group of people who seem ordinary but have found how to love extraordinarily.”

— Trevor Williams